WordPress Posts and Pages

The difference between WordPress Posts and Pages often cause some initial confusion.

Think of “Pages” as being a page on your website. Phew, that one was easy to explain!

Think of “Posts” as a news item or blog post. While a single post is often also displayed on its own page, they are often compiled onto summary page which automatically updates when new posts are added. You could have, for example, “News” in your main website menu and when users clicked on News they would see the latest five (or however many you decide) posts displayed. These can either be shortened versions with a ‘Read More’ taking them to the full post, or the full versions. When you added a new post it would automatically be inserted into the news page without having to edit that one as well!

Menu shpwing posts and pages
Staff item in menu

The clever Nerds can add what the geeks call “Custom Post Types”. What that means to normal people is that it is a way of adding custom items in the same way as a post.

The most common item we get asked to create is a “Staff” post type for company websites that have a staff or team or even Board of Directors page.

If you have a need for a particular post type get in touch, we can also customize the edit page and the display template to match any fields required.